Kath, of Somerford, passed away peacefully at Macclesfield Hospital on 23rd September 2024 aged 76 years. She was the dearly loved Wife of Ken, treasured Mum to Sarah and Helen, much loved Granny and Sister. The service of thanksgiving will take place at St Mary’s Church, Astbury on Tuesday 15th October 2024 at 11:30am, following a private family committal. Donations if desired to the MND Association, please scan the QR code below for online donations to Kath’s JustGiving page.

Ken you and I were school pals both living in Somerford.I w as just browsing when I saw this . I can only assume it relates to your loss in which case please accept my deepest condolences . I well remember leaving our bikes with Mr Doyle all those years ago. Best regards,